Are you about to employ someone for the first time
Posted on 14th September 2017 at 17:52
If you have taken on an employee for the first time you have to take action on auto enrolment .
If you have previously had only Directors auto enrolment duties may not have applied
Once you employ someone then auto enrolment duties apply in respect of all employees including Directors
If you first employ someone on or after 1 October 2017 the auto enrolment duties apply immediately
More information about what you need to do is given in the previous blog Seven Steps to Auto Enrolment.
Help is also available from Mill Pensions Limited
Set up your free no obligation meeting with Elaine Tarver today by calling 0771 275 1336 or email
The meeting will last no more than half an hour to help us understand your circumstances and explain your obligations based on your actual workforce.
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